Tuesday 25 February 2014

Is Walking Good For Weight Loss???

Everyone wants to know is walking good for weight loss?
Walking is a great form of low impact exercise. It can be done at any time of day and does not require any special equipment.
The question is will you lose weight?
Let us have a look at the facts.
The idea of exercise is to improve your health. Walking is not one of the best ways to improve your health and lose weight. There are however certain benefits to walking. Flexibility improves as you walk. As you get older your flexibility decreases. In order to maintain your health, walking is a good exercise to do. The main thing to consider with walking as an exercise to help you lose weight you have to consider how many calories are burned.
A pound of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories. If you walk for an hour at an average pace you can expect to burn off around 500 calories. That means to burn off a pound of fat you would have to walk for 7 hours. That is right 7 hours to burn off 1 pound of fat.
Now do not be too disheartened.
There are ways to help you burn more calories.
To begin with you can increase the pace at which you walk. The faster you walk the more calories you will burn in an hour. Walking faster has several benefits. Apart from burning more calories you will also have to breathe a bit harder. The harder you breathe the harder your lungs have to work. They need to work harder to get more oxygen into your muscles. In order to get the oxygen into your muscles your heart will have to work harder. The harder your heart is working the stronger it will become. That is because your heart is a muscle too. The better you heart and lung get the healthier you will become. As your lungs and heart work harder the more calories your body will burn. As you burn more calories the more weight you will lose. It is at this point you have to decide how much effort you want to put into walking as a way of losing weight.
If you want to lose weight through walking you will have to get into the habit of walking faster.
Now walking is not the best way of losing weight but it can be used as an extra way to help you lose a few pounds.
So try walking to lose a bit of extra weight.
Walking is a great way to lose weight.

Friday 21 February 2014

Managing Weight With Oats

The oat plant is like a wheat plant only it contains a lot of fibre. Most oats are consumed as breakfast cereal and the rest are utilised as oat flour. Oat flour can be used in the same way as wheat flour. Additionally, it can be mixed with soy flour, corn flour or wheat flour to convert it to multi grain. Consuming whole grain diets is good for the body.
In case you are looking forward to reducing your weight, a wholesome oatmeal diet is a good option. Oats contain both soluble and insoluble fibres which keep the body's cholesterol and sugar levels balanced. This raises your energy for exercise program which burns your excess body fat.
The Oat Statics
Studies have shown that oats are effective in trimming down those extra tummy inches. They have a high content of fibre beta-glucan which is responsible for lowering cholesterol. When the soluble oat fibres take part in the digestion process, they convert themselves into gel forms which trap acids which contain cholesterol. So, instead of accumulating the fat, it is excreted through faeces. Moreover, oats have high tocotrienol levels which are helpful in inhibiting cholesterol synthesis.
Reducing cholesterol is not the only benefit of oats. They can also help regulate the blood sugar. The beta-glucan fibres slow down the digestion process, thereby prolonging the carbohydrate absorption into the main bloodstream. This prevents the carbohydrates from converting into sugar and getting stored in the body.
Regular Exercise Works Wonders
If you combine this oatmeal diet with an exercise regimen, it will work wonders. Exercising regularly speeds up weight loss. The oats help in this process by acting as pre-workout food. This is one of the sole reasons why oats are athletes' favourite food. They assist them in working out harder.
Oats help in reducing belly fat by regulating your bowel movements. This is essential for cleaning the guts and in avoiding bloating. Oats are high on density and low on calories. The best part about oats is that they help you in feeling fuller for longer durations of time. It curbs your needs for fat accumulating junk foods.
How to plan your typical oatmeal diet?
If you are wondering how to chalk your breakfast in a nutritional way, read on to find out how to acquire more from oats.
The oats consumed during breakfast are typically crushed oats, also known as rolled oats. It can be taken with milk or water, depending on your food preferences. It is advisable to consume it in a slightly raw form. This is because, the more rawness oats have, the more they are better for cutting down carbohydrates. Approximately three tablespoons of oats along with fruits and milk would be able to keep a person full till lunch.
The Oat Nutrition Chart
Calculating by statistics, oats are full of nutritional value.
100 grams of oats have:
  • 380 calories
  • 67 gram carbohydrates
  • 16 gram protein
  • 6 gram fat
  • 7 gram thiamine
  • 7 mg vitamin E
  • 4 mg iron
  • 474 mg phosphorous
How Does It Work?
Fibres take long to break down. Their breaking up also consumes a lot of energy from the body cells. Thus, when energy will be consumed, the fat will automatically burn. This will lower down your body's fat levels.
Thus, oats are a wholesome breakfast and a healthy diet for losing weight. All you need to do is include one cup of oats everyday to move up on your health cycle.

7 Psychological Distresses Obese People Face

Many are aware of the physical side effects that weight has on a person's health. But did you know obesity has psychological effects as well? The media has promoted weight-stigmas to be associated with anyone who is obese or overweight. These stigmas include characterizing obese people as being lazy, lacking willpower, being over-indulgent, taking little interest in diet or exercise and contributing to the rising costs of health care. These commonly held viewpoints have negative consequences to an obese person's psychological health.
Obesity Increases Risk of Social Isolation
Social isolation is the complete, or near complete, withdrawal from society. It involves staying at home for days or weeks at a time, lack of communication with friends or family and avoiding contact with people when interaction is available. Social isolation can lead to a multitude of conditions including: loneliness, increased stress, aggression, anxiety, fear, memory impairment, depression, etc.
Obesity is Linked to Behavioral Difficulties
Obesity has been shown to have a direct connection with behavioral problems, especially in children. Behavioral difficulties that have shown to have a correlation include aggression and delinquent behaviors. It is still under debate whether obesity is the cause of these types of behaviors or whether the behaviors contribute to an individual's obesity.
Obesity Promotes Negative Self-View
Many obese people have negative self perception. Self perception is an individual's idea of who they are as a person. It is often directly linked to how you feel others perceive you. Social stigmas can directly impact the way a person views themselves.
Obesity Effects Self-Esteem
Obese people tend to allow their weight to define who they are, what they are capable of and set the value on their self-worth. Obesity leads to intense feelings of self-doubt, shame and despair. Low self-esteem can lead to self-criticism, sensitivity to criticism from others, fear of making mistakes, always looking to please others, guilt, hostility, pessimism and envy.
Obesity and Depression Correlations
Research has shown that there is a direct correlation between obesity and depression. Depression causes a person to have persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest, hopelessness and inadequacy. Like obesity it is associated with low self-image, low self-esteem, and social isolation. In addition to these similarities, both obesity and depression share many of the same risk factors and treatments.
Obesity Leads to Bullying and Victimization
People who are obese are oftentimes the victims of teasing, bullying and discrimination. The traumas associated with these types of experiences and lead to more weight gain. These acts also directly negatively impact a person's emotional health. These acts can contribute to a person's low self perception, low self-esteem and depression.
Obesity and Suicide
The psychological distresses associates with obesity can lead to suicide. Depression alone is a high risk factor of suicide. Other suicide risk factors that are associated with obesity are: feelings of hopelessness, aggression, social isolation, loss (inability to perform task you were once able to), physical illnesses associates with obesity and bullying/victimization.
The weight-stigmas associated with anyone who is obese contributes to the way these people view themselves and how other people view them. These stigmas directly impact an obese person's psychological health. Distresses caused by weight-stigmas include: social isolation, behavioral difficulties, negative self-view, low self-esteem, depression and bullying/victimization.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Simple Ways To Burn Belly Fat With Exercise

It's no secret that one of the best ways to burn belly fat is with exercise. But that does mean more than doing a few sit-ups each day. Belly fat is actually connected to your genetics which means that some people are genetically preset to store fat around the midsection. While you can't determine where fat will be stored on the body, there are number of proven ways to burn belly fat from your body by following a consistent exercise plan.
Exercise With Aerobic Activity.
You need to include is aerobic activity to your daily routine. This is exercise where you move your body for at least 10 minutes at a time. It helps to increase your heart rate, condition your lungs, and burn fat.
Good ways to burn fat with aerobic activity include walking, jogging, swimming and cycling. If you prefer sports, try activities such as basketball, soccer or tennis that keep the body moving at a constant pace. Sports like golf or bowling help you to move, but not in an aerobic way.
As you add aerobic activity to your routine, you'll burn fat during the activity itself. Plus you'll raise your metabolism over time and that means you'll be burning more calories when you at rest after you have finished your activity.
Exercise With Resistance Training.
One of the best ways to burn belly fat is with resistance or strength training because muscles burn more calories, even while they are at rest. Women can be uncertain about exercising with weights because they don't want to develop big muscles. The best way to burn fat with resistance training is to do a mixture of exercises that work your entire body. Focus on training the largest muscle groups of the body like the legs, back, and chest. That is what stimulates the fat burning hormones in your body that you need to get a flat stomach.
Many people think that one of the ways to burn belly fat quickly is to do lots of sit-ups and crunches. But this is not true. If you only do these abdominal exercises, and nothing else, you may get strong abdominal muscles, but with a full layer of fat on top, you will not get the results you really want.
How to Burn Belly Fat Successfully.
Exercise and a healthy diet are key components in any weight loss program. Choose an exercise regime that you enjoy and that you can do regularly. The key ways to burn belly fat with exercise is to include cardio and weight training. Belly fat can be unsightly, unhealthy and make you feel bad about your body but when you commit and stick with a good exercise program combined with a healthy diet, you'll find that you will be happier and will lose that unwanted excess weight.

Friday 14 February 2014

WOW - The Wonders of Water!!!!

Doctors recommend it, nutritionists recommend it but often we don't take their advice - Drink more water.
This is one great way to lose weight. Most nutritionists have recommended that we drink eight, 8 ounce glasses of water each day.
Some researches have said that in weight loss water is a vital part. Here's an idea - drink 3 quarts of water each day.
I know, you might be thinking, "Wow, that's a lot of water!" and it is, but some researches have determined that if you will drink three quarts of water chilled to only forty degrees then you will burn approximately 100 calories per quart consumed.
Researchers have determined that when you drink cold water (1 quart) it lowers your body temperature and that your body has to work to bring it's temperature back to normal and as a result it burns 100 calories in the process. Do this three times per day and you will burn 300 calories in one day or the equivalent of walking a treadmill for thirty minutes per day.
Think about it: You burned 300 calories without exercise! There are 3,500 calories in a pound so if you did just this and did not change your eating habits then in just 12 days you can expect to burn one pound of fat off your body.
At first this estimate doesn't seem like too much but divide 365 days (one year) by 12 days and in one year you can expect to burn almost 31 pounds of fat and that is without dieting!
Water also is a natural diuretic so it helps you lose that water weight as well!
Add lemon juice to the water you are drinking and add even more fat burning power! Some researches suggest that lemon juice is a natural fat burner! Also it's great because it adds flavor to this all natural beverage and that helps if you are not so fond of its plain taste.
Drinking more water even helps promote clearer and healthier looking skin.
Doctors recommend drinking more water and so do nutritionists so start drinking more of it and get healthier today!

Can Yoga Cure Obesity?????

Yoga increases the concentration of mind and builds your focus and health. It also reduces the stiffness in your body thus making it more flexible.
One of the most common problems faced by this generation is obesity. Today, obesity is being cured with many advanced techniques like gastric bypass surgery, diet pills and squeezing the size of stomachs. For a shorter duration it may please, but it does not help in the longer run. Most of the obese people consume pills in the U.S. and it tackles the problem for a short duration. But once the intake is stopped the weight begins to increase again.
Studies have shown that yoga can reduce weight and that too within a month. Many of them think it incredible, but it holds true. But you need to follow a few steps such as drinking 5-6 glasses of water every morning. Practicing a lot of asanas such as Pranayam, which is a very beneficial exercise. It literally means the 'control of breath' in the Sanskrit language. The advantages of these exercises are innumerable. They enhance your memory, eyesight, and concentration and also bring down your excessive weight. You can sit anywhere and perform yoga, be it indoors or outdoors.
It makes the digestive tract function smoothly and allows quick digestion of foods. Due to these factors, the chance of obesity reduces. Yoga is indeed a fabulous program and for all age groups.

Cleansing Your Body !! Detoxifying

A cleansing diet is a way to rid your body of excess toxins or food stuffs. Most of the time this type of a diet could mean one of several different types of approaches. Some diets involve eating only one or two different types of foods. Some diets involve eating no food at all and drinking only liquids. Some types of cleanses allow the person to eat several types of foods. It is really very personal and individualized on what type of cleansing diet you select.
We are all exposed to chemical toxins in our every day life. We often do not stop to think about this, but it is true. By following a cleansing diet every few months or so it will rid us of these toxins and allow our bodily systems to function more efficiently.
A popular type of cleansing diet is drinking only bottled water and freshly squeezed juices. You would not want to stay on this type of a diet too long due to its intensity, but a popular length of time for a cleansing diet is between 3 to 7 days. This type of cleanse is also used before some testing of the lower and upper gastrointestinal tract.
Another common practice in a cleansing diet is a vegan type of diet consisting of uncooked, all natural fruits and vegetables. No meat or carbohydrates are eaten on this type of a diet. Beverages consist of either water or freshly squeezed juices.
It is important to remember that although a cleansing diet is a good practice every so often, if you do start to feel ill you should eat a little something more substantial. You do not need to eat a full course meal, but only to nibble on something that is a bit more filling. You should also remember that it is advisable to take a multivitamin every day, drink plenty of water, get an adequate amount of sleep or even a little bit more sleep than usual, and always check with your doctor first to get his approval on participating in a cleansing diet.
Cleansing diets were practiced naturally before people expected to eat 3 large meals a day. Farmers ate large breakfasts and dinners but often missed lunch because they were hard at work in the fields. Groups of people who lived through hunting and gathering often went a day or two without food when it couldn't be found. This type of eating plan naturally allowed the body to cleanse itself.
When you are nearing the end of your cleansing diet you should gradually introduce any food back in to your body a little bit at a time. You do not want to shock or overload your body all at once. Remember that your body has gone without its normal every day intake now for a few days or more. It will need time to readjust. Light eating is best after your body has readjusted. Your body does not need to be weighed back down with all kinds of heavy caloric intake.
A toxin-free body is an ideal goal to aim for. A toxin-laden body cannot work at peak performance and bodily systems will be prone to upset. Detoxify yourself every so often with a cleansing diet to keep your body machine running at its best.